Daymon Terrace Drop Off

Daymon Terrace Drop Off

The Daymon Terrace Drop-Off line is open for the school year.  This convenient service is staffed by parent volunteers from 8:30-8:42 AM and allows drivers to remain in their cars to drop off 1st-5th grade students. Please be sure all drivers in your household are familiar with the guidelines before using the line.

If you are interested in being a Daymon Terrace volunteer (typically a 1x/month commitment throughout the school year), please email Hannah James:


The Daymon Terrace Drop-Off Line is staffed by parent volunteers from 8:30-8:42 AM. All cars dropping students on the Daymon Terrace side of the school MUST use the drop-off zone or find a legal parking spot. NO PARKING, DOUBLE PARKING OR IDLING ARE ALLOWED ANYWHERE AT ANY TIME IN THE DROP-OFF ZONE OR FIRE LANE ON DAYMON TERRACE. Drivers, please watch for instructions from our volunteers as you approach and get ready to leave the line; they are there to help keep things running safely and smoothly! 

How does the Drop-Off Line work?

-Five or six cars at a time pull forward, close to the curb, into the Drop-Off Zone. YOU MAY NOT CUT IN FRONT OF OTHER CARS.

-Parent volunteers will help your child exit the vehicle and get to the sidewalk. Drivers MAY NOT exit their vehicles. Students must exit their vehicles on the passenger side.

- Students should be ready to exit the vehicle before the driver enters the Drop-Off Zone. Ideally, students should be seated on the passenger side of the car, not behind the driver. Please have their bags, water bottles, jackets, instruments, etc readily accessible on the passenger side and have all entertainment devices like iPads shut down when pulling into the line.

- Wait while your child gets out of the car, signal with your blinker, and then pull away from the curb only after the car in front of you has pulled away from the curb.

Then the next group of five or six cars can do the same. Do not try to bypass cars already in the Drop-Off Zone either on the way in or out of the zone. Please be patient.

Who can use the Drop-Off line?

Children need to be independent enough to leave their car with minimal assistance and get to their drop-off spots by themselves in order to use the Daymon Terrace Drop-Off. Children in car seats must be able to unbuckle themselves on their own. Once your child has exited the car, you must proceed to pull away from the curb as described above. If you want to watch your child walk into the school buidling, you must find legal parking and accompany them to their entrance.

Kindergarteners should not be dropped off in the Daymon Terrace Line as our volunteers cannot ensure they get to the front of the building safely.

Indoor Arrival - Inclement Weather

When inclement weather necessitates an indoor arrival, parents will be notified via ParentSquare and orange flags will be placed outside the doors by the main entrance, large playground, and Daymon Terrace. Doors will open at 8:32am. Students may enter ANY OPEN DOOR and proceed to their indoor arrival locations:

  • Kindergarten and 1st Grade: report to their classrooms, supervised by K & 1 aides

  • 2nd Grade: report to the large gym

  • 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade: report to the auditorium