Murray Ave PTA Grants Program

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For Teachers and Staff: Apply for a PTA Grant by clicking the button below.

Every year Murray Avenue parents generously support our three major fundraisers: The Book Fair, Parents' Night Out, and Spring Fair. It is through the success of these fundraisers that we are able to make PTA Grants possible.

In the fall, teachers and staff have the opportunity to apply for a PTA class grant. Class grants provide funding for creative programs or materials to enhance our rich curriculum. Grants may be requested for an individual classroom, a grade level, a special or the entire school. Once the applications are submitted, they are thoroughly reviewed by the Mr. Porricelli, the PTA Grants Committee and the PTA Executive Board. After careful review, grants are awarded based upon those which will have the greatest positive impact on our students.

We have had fantastic applications for PTA Grant funding in recent years. Some of the items purchased included:

  • 3-D Printer

  • Math Manipulatives

  • Outdoor PE equipment

  • E-subscriptions for our Library

  • KEVA Planks

  • Giving Retrievers Canine Assisted Therapy Program

  • Classroom amplification system

  • Sensory Sand Table